Mentoring ProgramS & Services Supporting:
Youth/Teens (GeneSeen, Girls on Fire)
Women (Ladies Room)
Men (Prison Ministry)
Celebrating 15 Years of Service
All proceeds help to fund the organization.
What Are People Saying About JTC…
“After my divorce, there were times when I was distraught and felt my life was ending JTC helped restore hope to a hopeless situation and now I have a new outlook on life!!” A.W., Texas
“It is great to have a place where men can come, be transparent and not be judged.” L.R., New York
“JTC has helped me to believe in myself in spite of my downfalls. I can never repay them for all that they have done for me.” A.H., Texas
"I've never seen anything like this before! JTC is like a micro-
organism." J.S., Pennsylvania
“Despite health issues, unemployment and struggles of everyday life, JTC has helped me to remain stable as both a husband and a father. The best is yet to come.” T.H., Texas