Got Baby Mama Drama, Mama’s baby, Daddy’s maybe???? You are NOT the Father!!! Whaaat!!! If Any of this sounds familiar, click on the picture below!
Parent and Paternity Awareness (P.A.P.A.) Curriculum Workshop!
When: Monday, March 28, 2022
Where: Euless,Tx
Time: 9:00-5:00
This curriculum aims to increase an individual’s understanding of what it takes to be a responsible and dependable parent.
WHO can benefit from this training????
Presented by Hope Ott, Coordinator from the Attorney General of Texas, Child Support Division, Program Innovation
JTC is on the Move!
In a society where Morality and Family values are declining at a considerable rate, JTC still believes that together, we can help restore these values…
For more information Respond by sending an email of inquiry to
Lunch will be provided!